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Comments (3)

Margeret - 23 April 09:03

Je suis detendu et sans complexes! Je peux venir toi a la maison. Tu baise moi totalement nue.

Wenzinger - 30 September 17:09

Le tableau ci-dessous présente la liste des ouvrages de la Série noire , une collection de romans policiers et de romans noirs publiée depuis par Gallimard. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Rhiannon - 27 December 04:07

very nice

Tonja - 29 April 12:40

I think you can be straight and still think that women are sexy as fuck. Because I sure as hell think we are, but I wouldn't be in a relationship with a girl. Also, remember that these are just labels. Sexuality has lots of shades of gray and it doesn't really matter what label you put on yourself, as long as you're happy with what you're doing, and whoever you're doing with it is happy as well.

Kamp - 2 April 08:49


Milhouse - 3 October 02:37

>i would to get into with another girl and two guys

Is that a sentence? You'd be better off leaning how to write a coherent sentence instead of watching porn.