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Comments (5)

Binderup - 13 March 04:18

Adore, aime caresser son corps. Viens, passer du temps alone, et moi triste.

Reibert - 16 December 22:44

La ligne adriatique en italien ferrovia adriatica est la longue voie ferrée italienne reliant Ancône à Otrante , en suivant sur presque tout le trajet la côte adriatique. C'est l'une des lignes structurantes du réseau ferroviaire italien.

Yasmine - 3 October 21:12

Ps: great dance moves :p

Almeda - 9 May 03:09

Any full version?!

Joshua - 28 February 03:34

I did a presentation on the cost of having and maintaining a vagina for my Women's Studies class and a member of my group went to Planned Parenthood and was given a nondescript paper bag filled with condoms. And each one had a tongue in cheek design. Admit one, a magic genie lamp, a rubber ducky. I was SO excited by this. The fact that people have access to contraceptives, for free, that have a sense of humor? Glorious. В В

Amirian - 27 December 09:25

she needs to shave that birds nest