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Comments (8)

Reuben - 26 December 18:09

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Maarx - 26 January 06:45

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Edmundo - 4 July 03:00

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Luella - 3 December 18:02

My Italian wife is shy and conservative. goes to church every Sunday. Well I give her an amazing life style. She looks like George Clooney's wife. So one Friday night I got her drinking and invited my black buddy over. He has a 12 inch cock. Tina took it in her ass and begged for more. She wants more black lovers now.

KarlLee - 9 February 14:56

Reminds me of a redhead I hooked up with years ago for a one nighter. Always wished I followed up with her. She was ot and I think of her often.

Bethel - 29 September 16:24

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Jacquez - 1 February 14:46

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